Tuesday, June 1, 2010

college readiness reflection

reflect on your readiness for a college.

* describe and rate your studying, reading, and research skills.
* what are your strengths and weaknesses as a student, a reader, a researcher?
* how do ready do you feel to do college-level reading and college-level research?
* how well do you think you can find, use, and evaluate information online and on paper?
* what have you learned that has helped prepare you to be a college student?

(answer all of these question in a paragraph of at least 150 words.)

college library reality...

now, what is your college library really like? you're going to spend this period researching it and you're going to make a dinky page about it.

[click here to see the assignment requirements]

[click here to see an example dinky page]

if you'll be enlisting, you can research the library for your branch of the military or the college you will attend when your tour of duty is done.

if you're not going to college now, hopefully one day you will. choose a college you would like to attend to complete this assignment.

post the link to your dinky page as a comment to this post.

college library fantasy...

what do you think your college library will be like? and your college librarians? have you visited it yet? have you checked out its website? make some predictions and add your comments here. (write a paragraph of at least 150 words.)

what's next?

this week, rain or shine, casa's seniors, the class of 2010, will walk the field and receive their diplomas. (hoo-rah!)

having seen them through senior projects, research papers, and presentations -- not to mention numerous other assignments -- the big house library is curious to know what's next for these happy grads.

so, today, since ms. hauswald needed a sub, you'll be joining me in the library to blog about where you're going and what you'll be doing. let me guess, you can't wait, right? i thought so! :)

for some of you that means the military, for many of you that means work, but for most of you, that means college...

add a comment to this post about what you'll be doing after you graduate and where. include a url (click on comments for an example). include your name (otherwise we can't grade your participation). and keep it kid-friendly, please, thanks! :)