Tuesday, June 1, 2010

college library fantasy...

what do you think your college library will be like? and your college librarians? have you visited it yet? have you checked out its website? make some predictions and add your comments here. (write a paragraph of at least 150 words.)


  1. Im going to SRJC so i believe the library will be very nice. Nice librarians and many computers to use for research. Also a ton of books to check out. I think there is a library on the Petaluma campus.

  2. i am assuming that most college libraries are a lot larger than ones that we are accustomed to. therefore, i am expecting the libraries to be a lot bigger with thousands of more books that are available to the students.

  3. I visited the campus and the student ambasador told us about it.. but we didnt get to see it. I think that even though it is a small school, it will be a good resource for me to use for papers and projects.

  4. my college library is equipped with the essentials and more, My visit there was a pleasant one, I also happen to know that my City also has a great librarian so I shall not go un-helped. As of SAC state I hope they have a great one the school is not small, its location is in the capital so there must be great books and education there =D

    ~Victoria A.

  5. Sophia van Ommeren-AkelmanJune 1, 2010 at 9:13 AM

    I hope that my college library will be fabulous! I think it will have a many more books of all different kinds. I plan on visiting the library at Cal Poly as soon as I get there in the fall, and I will for sure visit it very often for more books! I hope that the librarians will be nice, and that they will be willing to assist me in any way I need it. I know it will be big, and I will be impressed by it. It will contain my two favorite things: mystery and poetry novels. I will be able to check out books. They will also contain books that will allow me to pursue further knowledge in anything I desire, and I will be able to learn many new things! They will have study areas and they will have many quiet places for me to study and escape from many stressors and also from reality. I will love the library there, and it will make me happy to go there. Maybe I could even try to apply for a job there if CVS falls through!

  6. I have no idea what my library will be like. For the next couple years i doubt i will find out. I do like to read and do not plan on changing that. Chico might have a great library but i still predict that i will not spend much time in there at all. My state of mind is why read a book when you can watch a movie.

  7. I've been to my college library before which is the Mahoney Library in the Santa Rosa Jc Petaluma campus ! the library is huge, with a lot of computer and book access. there are many librarians there that are always willing to help you out, each librarian has a different job, for example one works in resources. Yes, i have checked out it's website, it just has information about where the library is, events going on, times open and close, etc.

    -Joselyn De Leon

  8. kendall cavanaughJune 1, 2010 at 9:13 AM

    I think that there will be way more books in the library there than there are in high school. I think that the books will have more challenging subjects and will be adult based instead of kid based. I dont think that the librarians will be as tuned in with the different projects that are going on with the different teachers like the librarians here do. I havent been to any of the libraries yet but I did see on the website that there are many different libraries that you can go to when you go to SRJC. I think that the library here has a lot more going on in it than a college library would have.

  9. Nicolette RobbinsJune 1, 2010 at 9:13 AM

    I've seen the "library" at Sky Hill and its not much. Its a small room of random books. All the books you need are the ones you buy.

  10. I'm sure the SRJC's library will have lots of books, about all sorts of different things. I've been to the library on the Petaluma campus, it was a lot bigger and quieter than the library at Casa.

  11. Alejandra ValenciaJune 1, 2010 at 9:15 AM

    The JC library is big and very nice. The computers are sick and its easy to navigate. I have already been in there. So I already know what to expect. I assume the librarians are nice. I mean they have to be since they are dealing with college students. well i think they have to be patient. i havent talked to them so i dont know. but the library seems cool i guess. they have free tutors at the santa rosa jc.

  12. I have not been to the College of Marin library. I plan to take a tour of the school over the summer and I will make sure to check out the library. I imagine the library being a lot bigger than the one we have here at Casa Grande since there are way more students. Hopefully the librarians are nice because nobody likes mean librarians and I know I will be spending a lot of time in the library checking out books or doing research for my classes. I have not checked out their website yet but I will check it out after I'm done writing this comment. Im hoping the library is awesome like the one here at Casa Grande.

    Charol Chavez

  13. My fantasy library will consists of hot blondes for librarians, a smoking section, movies instead of books, and free massages. That would be so awesome

  14. I think the SRJC library will be a great library with a wide selection of books. From what i hear they have a fast amount of books and you can find just about anything there. I see the librarians as just like any other librarian with a passion for literature and a willingness to help students find there's. I haven't been to the library yet but i plan on going there in the near future and seeing this vast selection. I'm sure i will check out the website in the mean time before i actually make my way over there. I'm looking forward to attending the SRJC not only for the school but also the library.

    -Daniel Andersen

  15. I honestly don't know what the library will be like, it will probably be really big and organized. I imagine it a lot bigger then our library here at Casa. I picture a nice building with a ton of books I won't read. I think the librarians will be mean and take their job to seriously. Like they probably won't allow you to talk at all.

  16. Kaitlyn PieracciniJune 1, 2010 at 9:16 AM

    I think Chico's library will be a lot bigger than the Casa library and have tons of books for all the different fields they offer to major in. The library will probably also be bigger to have quiet places to study in for when the dorms or living areas are too loud. I think the Chico library is also two stories and it is located on the outer part of the campus, not in the middle of everything so it might be inconvenient to go to sometimes but I don't really go to the library so I don't think it will be that big of a problem.
    -Kaitlyn Pieraccini

  17. My college library...I have no idea what it will bring me, or what it will be like. I think the library is that big new building that you can see from Petaluma Hill Road as you pass by Sonoma State, but I am not really sure, I can imagine the library will be pretty nice, maybe some nice books with some sweet computers that will be available for student use. I hope the librarian is quality and there to help me out. One thing I hope is different from the big house library is that you do not need a note from a teacher to go in there, it's a hassle. I think the library will be nice, Sonoma State has a nice campus, the library should be nice too.

  18. I think that my college libriary will be huge.i thnink that it will have a lot of books on the classes that they offer at the JC. i feel that the library at the JC is going to be very helpful, and there are going to be many people in there to help me get the information that i need. i havent visited it yet but i plan to in the future.

  19. I'm going to the SRJC,I know that they have a two story library. I imagine that the librarians are very nice and helpful.I have been to the SRJC library before, but that was a year ago. I just remember that the library is very big. I have checked out its website; it is very nice. I think that the library is going to have all the books and resources i need when i go there. I'm sure that the librarians will be very helpful. I think there will be a lot of computers and printers that students can use.

  20. I have not researched to much on the JC campuses but from what I hear they are extremely good and a informative source it is very nice that they put in the new one in on the Petaluma campus i am looking forward to learning more about it but I am sort of expecting it being a mixture of a high school library and the pubic library maybe with more books on collage subjects and classes I am looking forward and am extremely exited for this part of my life and all the new experiences.

  21. My fantasy is a library that doesn't make you feel kinda akward

  22. Im attending Laney College, I've been there once but never visited their library. Im guessing its going to be nice tho. With helpful librarians and many books and ways to research things. It seemed really big from what I saw, soo i bet it will be nice.

  23. i have alredy been in my libary it is huge and looks like a Harry Potter libary in Hogwarts. it is super cool and i am excited to go there next year and continue my education. when i visited the school this summer i instaently new that it was the rigjht one for me.

  24. Cal Poly's library is HUGE. It is known at the Kennedy library and it has five floors. The louder you want your enviroment to be, the higher you go in the building. The bottom floor is the quietist floor and it is also the most crowded. When I first got to the school, it was the first thing I saw. I'm not sure if the floors are seperate categories of books, but I can't wait to go explore it.

  25. i think the library will be like most college libraries. it will be big and organized. my sisters library was automated so you would type soemthing in and a big arm would pull the book out for you. i dont think mine will be like that but i know it will have a lot of info. im sure the librarians will be helpful since they know much more about the content of the library. i havent visited the library yet but i have visitied the school.

  26. i think the Santa Rosa Junior College library will be a great help...but i honestly think i will only go there if i have to. but when i do go there i think that there will be plenty of people to help me figure out what i am looking for. i think that the library will have a lot of good books on the classes that they have to offer at the JC.

  27. I believe that the Santa Rosa Junior College library is going to be great. Its going to be a huge library with a lot of books with all of the information that is needed for students. It is going to be a great place to study with complete peace an quiet. Its going to be an all around great school.

    My studying is not that great i just go with the flow. I honestly do not like reaading unless im interested in the the book or we have to read it.Researching is a great way to get information, I am also very good at getting information.

    My strengths in researching is that I can get tons of information and it is quality information. The only time I have strengths in reading is when im in to the book or when i need to read the book for something important.

    I think that i will be able to do fine at a college researching leve, but i believe i can improve a lot on a college reading level.

    I can evaluate information very well online, but when it is on paper it is a little more difficult but I usually get it done either way. I can use the information very well. I can incorporate it into papers very well and it blends well too.

    I have learned tons of information and ways to find something if i need it. I learned that there is a lot of people you can go to if you need help. There are people who you can always go to no matter what.

  28. I have not been to the JC library yet, but a teacher was telling me about it and that its really good and has alot of helpful resources. I haven't been on their website, and i have no idea who the librarians are. I just hope that they have the things I need for assignments..

    Christine G.

  29. I have not visited and I dont know what the library at the JC will be like. But what I do know is that there wont be a librarian as amazing as Mrs. Koval

  30. I think my college library will be neat and clean, filled with a ton of books. On the other hand i think the college librarians won't be as nice as the librarians at CGHS. I actually have visited the college library i expected it to look more modern and bigger, but i just have high expectations. I haven't checked out its website but i bet i will coming this fall :)

  31. I don't know what my library is going to be like but I'm sure it's going to be a nice one. I'm going to SMC and it's a really nice school just like the JC here, so I'm sure it will have a good library. I'm probably going to get all my books online at Amazon though because that's what my friends do for their college books and it saves a TON of money that way. :)

  32. SRJC has a chill library. I wont be in it at all. I hate reading. Books are no good.


  33. We want books and computers and girls...

  34. Nope haven't yet.

  35. I have visited Humboldt State's library and it is nice and quiet. I believe i will be able to gain a lot of information and be able to get my work done there. I am hoping that the librarians are helpful which i'm sure they will be.

  36. im not going to have a library........i hate book!

  37. I'm going to the SRJC and I know the library there is really nice. I've been in there a few times so I pretty much know what to expect. I hope Oregon's library is extremley nice. I havent checked out the website yet..

  38. I have seen the JC library in Santa Rosa and it is very nice; definitely a lot bigger than Casa's. Hopefully there will be lots of helpful resources and information there to help me. I will probably spend a lot more time at that library because I know I will be needing more books.

  39. Well I'm sure it will be very different from all the other libraries I've ever been in. I imagine it a lot bigger. I don't think the librarians will be as cool as they are her at casa. Since I'm still undecided on what school I'm going to attend I've never been in the library. I'm sure I will be visiting my school library often for extra help.

  40. I have already visited the library at the SRJC. Its a beautiful library that has comfortable seats and cool new computers. I know I'm going to have so much fun studying there next year. Although the libarians there may be great no one is going to be as great as Ms. Koval. Ms. Koval thank you so much for all your help this year I'll miss you so much.
    Laua Arellano

  41. I think the santa Rosa JC library will be really cool and have lots of books but, i'm going to miss the Big House library!

    Vanessa Ramirez

  42. Hayley O'Neill & Ryan ZeebJune 1, 2010 at 11:09 AM

    My colleges libray is pretty sick its 3 stories tall and theres a bajillion books. literally im going to be reading for the rest of my life.... Theres a book machine that will bring you any book from anywhere in the library so you dont have to go and look for it. Theres also a bunch of computer labs and comfy chairs so you can "do work". Ryan wont have a library because hes not going to college but ill let him come use my library with me. book party.

  43. I have visited the Santa Rosa Junior College and was much impressed with it's wide selection and many computer labs. I was very impressed to see the many private study rooms and conference rooms that were in the library. The Library also has a beautiful view of the campus out of some very large floor to cieling windows. As I proceed to travel I hope to view many more lovely libraries with many wonderful books from all eras and cultures.

  44. Not yet have i visited my college library. i heard it was good and i hope it is good because i plan to stay therte a lot to study during baseball season so i dont have to drive back and fourth from petaluma to santa rosa. my fantasy librain is a blond bombshell that has a white button up shirt... half way buttoned up... with black glasses and a plaid skirt. dont ask questions, she would be very smart to tutor me and help jme out with everyrthing. i havent checked out the website, but my predictions are that the librarians wont be what i expect, but better at giving me help and assistance.

  45. the JC library is insane i think i will be sepending alot of time there =)

  46. I think the college library will be very big. I think it will be a place that a lot more students can go to study. I don't know what to exspect for the Libraries at the SRJC but I hope they have many good books that I would be interested in reading. I hope that the librarians are nice too. I hope the libraries are nice so that i will use them as a place to study. I will use them as resourses for anything I will need to know for my college carrer.

  47. We want it to be a huge library with a lot of books with all of the information that is needed for students. It is going to be a great place to study with complete peace an quiet. Its going to be an all around great school.

  48. Max B.

    I think that my college library will be mostly the same as the one in which I currently pursue my academic endeavors. I think however that my college library will have a more professional environment, as i believe the campus will offer a more mature environment with the students of the aforementioned library eager to delve into their copious amounts of research and studying. I also hope to find the librarian to be as kind as my previous two in my high school library. i found them to be extremely helpful with my sometimes ridiculous and always tediously boring assignments. lastly i hope to find a librarian with a fun loving yet helpful attitude in such a cattywampus college on the hills of San Francisco.

  49. The library at grossmont is a nice two story library which i will be spending alot of my time. But the San Diego state library is huge. Hopefully there will be areas closed off to study and get work done. Im sure there will be lots of books and computers top use as resources.

  50. My college library, located at the Santa Rosa Junior College, is awesome. I already have been to the Petaluma location multiple times, to work on my Senior Project paper. The computer screens are HUGE, not to mention the internet is fast and the librarians are really nice. The environment is very comfortable; the library has glass walls that let the sunshine in and lots of comfy couches. There are tons and tons of books as well! Also, the Santa Rosa Junior College Library is located about two minutes away from my house, which will make it convenient to use. Thanks to the time I've spent in the Big House Library, I know how to find books that I want. I will also be able to use the amazing big computers with the fast internet to do good research, after all the great websites and databases Ms. Koval showed us while crafting our Senior Project research papers. I am already very well acquainted with the SRJC Library, and I know I will get good use of it.

  51. Hot librarians...

  52. No i have not been to my library yet. but i hope this summer i will get a chance. im excited to see the books they have. i will miss being able to walk into the big house library to bug mrs. K about the new books she bougth.

  53. I think the SRJC library will be like the high school one, bit its probably much bigger and have more books.

  54. I haven't been to the library but i think it will be a lot bigger and have more variety. I also think there will be a lot of helpers there.
