Tuesday, June 1, 2010

college readiness reflection

reflect on your readiness for a college.

* describe and rate your studying, reading, and research skills.
* what are your strengths and weaknesses as a student, a reader, a researcher?
* how do ready do you feel to do college-level reading and college-level research?
* how well do you think you can find, use, and evaluate information online and on paper?
* what have you learned that has helped prepare you to be a college student?

(answer all of these question in a paragraph of at least 150 words.)


  1. my research skill are pretty good i always end up finding for what i am looking for. some of my strengths are that i can always find for what i am looking for some of my weaknesses are that i am not patient and i get tired of looking at a computer. i think my reading is very well and it is ready for collage but my research needs help. i will need help finding this but i will always find the answer. i learned that being orginize will help me stay on task and stay on top of my work in collage
    Brayan Araizahttp:

  2. heather russell
    i am good at studying and researching when it is not formal. I like reading when it inerests me but if it is boring i tend to fall asleep.

    i am good at studying and researching. i am good at reading when the topic interests me. i have a hard time not getting bored and i hate formal researching.

    the research will be easy when it is not formal. the reading will be easy when the topic interests me.

    i am good at deconstructing and pointing out illegitimate websites. i can apply information well but i dont know about evaluation.

    i have always been a god student. working hard from a young age has made me a good student through high school and i am confident i will be a good student in college.

  3. my studding skills are below average, i can read well when i chose to read, and i can find research when i need to.

    my strengths are that i can write an essay in under ten minutes, my weaknesses are that i do not enjoy doing work and get off task very easily.

    i feel fine with my reading level and my research level.

    I can finish work very fast and i think that will help me when i procrastinate in college.

  4. I think that my reading skills and studying skills have grown alot since freshmen year. I thought that the senior project really helped me push my self. My student weaknesses are studying I dont think that studying really helps me out. I feel that slowly I will get better at all these skills.I feel that i can evaluate everything very well. I thought that the senior project really helped make me a better student.

  5. I would rate my studying skills fairly high because i always make time to study especially for tough classes. I would say my research skills are also fairly high, but when it comes to reading i detest it so i don't read now and don't plan on reading in the future. I think ill do perfectly fine with college level reading and writing because i excelled pretty well throughout high school so i don't believe college will be a problem. I believe i will be able to find information online fairly well because i learned what search engines to use and how to find out how accurate the website is. What i learned to help me as a student is the basics on how to survive college. I learned reading, literature, writing, and everything i will need so i think ill do perfectly fine in college.

    -Daniel Andersen

  6. my research skills have grown over this past year, and i am proud to say that i have learned a lot more about research, and how to make time to study.
    some of my weaknesses are that i forget what i read after i read it. this is going to be a huge challenge fr me because i know in college that i will have to read a lot of usefull information.
    i am very nervous about doing college reading and research, because reading is not one of my strong suits, but i am going to try my hardest.
    i feel like i know a lot more places to find good information that is not just google and wikipedia.
    i have learned alot on how to prepare for college. i feel like all of my teachers this year have been preparing us for college and it is a great thing.

  7. Alejandra ValenciaJune 1, 2010 at 9:26 AM

    I dont think im totally ready for college. I have to be more in charge and i dont always like that. i also dont like the idea of going to school with much older people. and it sucks because we're back at the bottom, coming in as freshman. my weakness as a student would be that i do horrible on tests. i could have a 100 percent on hw and classwork but when it comes to tests i do bad. so i have learned to set low standards for test so i dont get disappointed. my strenths are that i am on top of my hw and always get my hw done. i try to do good on projects and go for the extra credit. lol. i hate doing research. you always have to put things in your own words and it takes so much effort and then you have to site everything which is even more effort. but i mean i feel accomplished once i'm done. but i dont think im that good at researching because i get frustrated easily. i dont think anything really prepares you for college. i think you have to go to college and get the experience there. high school is different and no one is after you in college to make sure that you did your hw or that you go to class.

  8. I would rate my studying, reading, and research skills average. I do not study often but I am good at reading. My strengths as a student are that I turn in all of my assignments. My weakness is that i procrastinate on my work and wait until the last day to get everything done. I think I am ready for College-Level reading. My research needs improvement though. I am just alright at finding information online. It always takes me a long time but I eventually find what I am looking for. I have learned that working your hardest and turning in all of your work in time will always be a huge help to your grade. Also study every night before a test

  9. i dont study very fast. i study slowly but i am thurogh and i study everything. I love to cram. I am a good crammer. I slack alot.

    When i do my work it is almost always grade A work. the problem is actually doing my work. i slack alot and it makes it hard to get my work done.

    I think i am ready. i am taking a slow smooth transition into college. so i will not be overwhelmed with work and school.

    i think i can find information on the internet and on paper well. it is a strength of mine. wikipedia is awsome but it does not always give correct information but thats why we double check.

    I have learned that the classes in college are harder and there is more homework. but I think it will be ok. I heard that college is very expensive. i have learned to utilize a planner and the value of a library.

  10. I think that my studying, reading and research skills are pretty proficient for college. Sometimes it can be hard for me to focus, but I think that I will adjust well when I get to college. As for my strengths, I am a very fast and comprehensive reader. I am also really good when it comes to reflection or poinion writing. I tend to struggle at first with heavy research papers and only factual information. I think that as far as college level reading and research, I will be ok. The nice thing about going to a small college is that I will have to oppurtunity to get to know my professors and be able to go to them if I need clarification or assistance. Im pretty sure I will be able to use information online and on paper pretty well. Once I understand the project or promt, I suceed. Even though doing a huge senior project and Government term paper was a very huge pain, it did some what prepare me for what might come my way in college. Also, just working a lot on different paper techniques and even grammer has helped me expand my writing vocabulary and uniqueness in my papers. At this point, I feel ready and prepared for college and whatever somes with it!

  11. ~Victoria A.

    My study skills have improved to a huge extent, I read thoroughly now-a-days. Casa's many English teachers helped me achieve this miniature success.I am pleased with my move towards the future and I think I am ready to move on and get in to life. I am a lucky teenager I have already done some traveling so I have known by personal experience that the world is not small and that there are many people in this world willing to fight for what they want. Now all I have to learn from college is to be better then everyone else.
    College is a big step to many, the fear of leaving can scare people, many people this will be the first move for them being born and raised in the same small town but I am different, I believe there are new experiences and knowledge waiting around every mole hill I encounter in my journey through life. These probably seem like words of wisdom, but from a teenager but it's not its something I tell myself everyday just to get me through it.
    It has gotten easier these past few years compared to freshman year*oh what-a-hell* but knowledge has come to me my reading levels has exceed the charts and I am now reading at a college based level which is great since I'm going to it. The challenges that I faced through high school have been hard but I learned the lesson behind them all, which I am very appreciative of. Schooling has been fun yet hard and I'm glad I took advantage of that opportunity of continuing schooling. Thank You

  12. Kaitlyn PieracciniJune 1, 2010 at 9:28 AM

    I can be a good studier when it is important to be. I will study before tests and will try really hard to get good grades because grades matter to me and I don’t want to waste my parent’s money. I don’t really like to read at all because it makes me tired and for school the books you have to read aren’t normally that good so it makes reading them even harder. I have pretty good research skills and enjoy researching about topics that I am interested in. I am not that good of a reader and not liking reading makes that even harder but I hope to become better in reading comprehension. I also get bored easily and I hope that I stay focused in college. I hope Casa prepared me for college and college level work and assignments. I haven’t had a problem with Casa’s work and I hope college isn’t that much of a struggle. I can find, use and evaluate info online and on paper pretty well and am not that worried about it. I have learned to manage my time better this year and stay organized which will hopefully help me stay on track as a college student.
    -Kaitlyn Pieraccini

  13. 1. I rate my studying a 3 because i don't really study unless its something big. I don't really read so i have to give that a 2, I'm not a big fan of reading cause no book really sparks my interest. My researching skills are pretty good, I'd give them a 8. If i want a good grade I will research more to produce a good paper.

    2. I would say my weakness is that I don't really apply myself that much, to me homework is pointless and its hard to concentrate on finishing it when I don't want to do it. My strength is that I won't fail, even though I don't apply myself that much I still do my homework on time. Even though I hate it.

    3. I don't really know. I don't like reading in high school so I will have to buckle down and do it, I'm not really ready for college level reading. The research I'll be ready for because I actually apply myself to that.

    4. I will find all my information fairly easily, using it will be easy, and evaluating it will be easy to. If it isn't I will work harder.

    5. I have learned many things from Casa, and everything they taught me has expanded my knowledge and has prepared me for college.

  14. My studying research and reading skills are amazing i can research the hell out of anything, I can read crazy books and stuff, and I can study all that dope stuff.

    My strengths as a student is im smart so everything comes easy to me, I'm a great reader because I've always been, and I can research anything because Im a stud at google.

    I believe college level reading and researching is going to be easy and i wont have any problem owning that stuff.

    I can evaluate everything to the peak of evaluation...there is nothing I cant find and evaluate Im crazy.

    I have learned how to get work done and turn in stuff by deadlines

  15. i will admit, in high school there were only and handful of times that i actually sat down and really studied for a particular subject or test. i understand that my study habits will definitely have to change if i wish to be successful in college. as for reading and researching, i think i will be fine.

    i think a few of my strengths as a student are that i am a pretty good writer although it may not be something that i enjoy doing. i think a definite weakness that i have is organization. i think my organizational skills have been something that has affected my grades through high school.

    i have learned a lot through the process of trial and error. i see high school as being a pre course to college and i understand now what i have to do to be a successful student in college.

  16. Describe and rate your studying, reading, and research skills.
    I'd go ahead and rate them all really high because when I study I dont f#$k around. You already know I read alot so that's nothing to worry about. For my research skills I go into every aspect of what I research.
    What are your strengths and weaknesses as a student, a reader, a researcher?
    My strength as a student is that I have alot of enthusiasm. My weakness is that I distract people from work. My strength as a reader is that I read fast and efficiently. I also read more thought-provoking books then just plain novels. I have no weakness for this. As a researcher I explained that in the last question but my weakness is citations.
    How ready do you feel to do college-level reading and college-level research?
    I've already started doing this so I don't see it as a problem. If I'm interested in what I'm learning about there shouldn't be an issue.
    How well do you think you can find, use, and evaluate information online and on paper?
    It's not difficult besides the citations and works cited.
    What have you learned that has helped prepare you to be a college student?

  17. On a scale of 1-10 and 10 being the highest, I think my research, studying, and reading skills are at an 8. I say an 8, because I like to research or Google anything I don't know. I like to read most of the time; well if the book is interesting. I study most of the time, but i usually study for a test the nigh before, because I remember information better that way. One of my weaknesses is, that I procrastinate sometimes, but not always. One of my strengths is, that I do all my work, because I like getting A's on every assignment. I feel pretty ready to do college reading and writing. Although I'm kinda scared that it my work wont be good enough. I think I'm very good and using and finding information on online. If I getting any information online and use it on a paper I know how to cite my work. Well, I have learned a lot this year in my English class. Ms. Hauswald is a wonderful English teacher. She makes class fun and exciting. I learned how to annotate a paper, how to write a speech, how to write a research paper, how to create a resume, and much more.I have learned plenty this year and I'm ready to go to college.

  18. Nicolette RobbinsJune 1, 2010 at 9:35 AM

    I've never really studied before so i would have a low rating on that. My reading and research skills are awesome so I would give myself a somewhat high rating, especially for research, Ms. Koval taught everything I need to know.
    Weaknesses- If I read too much I get extremely tired and I keep reading the same paragraph.
    Stengths- I know how to research effectively and find what I need to no time.
    I'm ready and feel well prepared for college level reading and research. I'm sure it will be different at first but I will get familiar with it fast.
    I know I can find, use, and evaluate information online and on paper somewhat fast. All I need to do is skim over the material and highlight!
    I've learned a lot that will help prepare me to be a college student, like using delicious.com, easybib, and different search engines to help find what I need. I feel ready to take on what ever college throws at me.

  19. Q: describe and rate your studying, reading, and research skills?

    I don't study very much, I think my reading skills are in a good level, and researching is not that bad.

    Q: what are your strengths and weaknesses as a student, a reader, a researcher?

    My strenghts as a student are that if Im actually interested in a subject or anything that we might be doing, then im going to get it done with out a doubt. My weaknesses are that i don't study at all, and also i tend to not use my time wisely.
    As a reader I don't think im bad at it, but i don't do it very often,only when i have to or if I find a book interesting. So maybe I should read more often, but with books I actually enjoy.
    I think researching is easy if you know the proper way to do it. So i don't think im bad at that.

    Q: how do ready do you feel to do college-level reading and college-level research?

    I think im at a prety good level, but maybe I should practice more to be in a higher level.

    Q: how well do you think you can find, use, and evaluate information online and on paper?

    I don't think im that bad.

    Q: what have you learned that has helped prepare you to be a college student?

    I have learned many things through out the years, but specially this year ive learned to use my time wisely and to not doubt myself when it comes to getting things done. I believe this is going to help me alot inthe future and in college.

  20. * describe and rate your studying, reading, and research skills.

    I am a horrible reader, i hate to read, i find my mind wondering in the middle of the page, reading the words not comprehending anything only to figure out that i am wasting my time. Research skills, i am great at doing research and i can research anything and find creditable information. Studying skills is so-so, i tend to procrastinate but usually i get the job done. On a scale from 1-5 i would rate my reading a 2/5, my research a 4.5/5 and my studying a 3/5.

    * what are your strengths and weaknesses as a student, a reader, a researcher?

    No reading strengths, unless i really like reading that i am reading and am highly entertained. my weakness as a student would be tests, i hate tests and i just get nervous and cant think and that results in a bad grade usually. researcher i am great at finding information i don't mind reading if its something i am researching and am interested in finding the answer to, but reading for fun is boring and just not my style.

    * how do ready do you feel to do college-level reading and college-level research?

    I don't know the requirements to college level reading, nor college level research but i can imagine it is a step up from high school level reading and high school level research. I enjoy doing research on things; cars, bikes, stores, laws. I think my research skills are good enough for college level, i just hate reading and will never like reading.

    * how well do you think you can find, use, and evaluate information online and on paper?

    great, as long as i can cite it correctly in MLA format, writing papers is not my strength, i dislike writing i tend to forget all my ideas when i try and write them out in a paper. i can evaluate information much better than most people. There are tons of bogus internet sites out there, i am good at evaluating them.

    * what have you learned that has helped prepare you to be a college student?

    that work needs to be done and not to mess around, and just do your work, and study for tests. studying is not one of my strengths so i plan to not mess around and study. i think college will be different from high school and i will care more about my work and how i look at things.

  21. i feel like i am well prepared for my future education in college i have stronge work ethics and comitment to succeed i anything that i attempt. i feel like my weakness is my reading and writting skills but with a little practice these little flawas could be easily fixed. i beleive that my reaserch abilities are strong enought o to colege levle work and i am looking foward to chalengiong myself with that.

  22. Q: describe and rate your studying, reading, and research skills.

    A: for studying i give my self a 6, i am not a study person it is just not my thing, if it comes to testing and we have to study i won't do it, maybe for 30min or so, whenever i study i feel like i don't memorize anything !! in college i promised myself that i will study, study, and study whether i like it or not ! i have to do good in my future.
    For reading i give myself and 8 , i tend to not have many issues with reading, i love reading so i am okay with that, i'll read anything that catches my attention, if it doesn't ill just be bored and not want to read the book !
    For my research skills i rate myself a 10, i absolutely LOVE researching ! researching is my thing whenever it comes to essays or whatever ! i like to research anything that comes to my mind whether it's a question or a wonder ! i know that in college i won't have trouble with researching unless it's a hard topic, but at the end i know ill end up doing a good job.

    Q: what are your strengths and weaknesses as a student, a reader, a researcher?

    A: As a student i don't have a lot of weaknesses, but as a reader and researcher i do, sometimes i tend to give up and not want to continue reading/researching, but than i always tell myself that i can't give up and got to continue working.
    My strengths as a student, reader, and researcher is that i work for what i want, which is good grades. i'll always want to work and work and get extra credit points, if i have a good grade that doesn't mean i have to stop doing good work, ABSOLUTELY NOT, for me that means i got to continue working and keep that good grade in it's place. if i see somethings wrong i am there to fix it , i am not just going to leave it hanging !

    Q: how do ready do you feel to do college-level reading and college-level research?

    A: Honestly, i am not that ready , i am more like nervous !!! i feel like it's going to be soooo much work that it's going to stress me out A LOT ! i tend not to worry a lot cause that will make me more scared/nervous , so all i am doing right now is not let it get to me, but in the end i know i will be able to be a good college level reading/research student :D !

    Q: how well do you think you can find, use, and evaluate information online and on paper?

    A: for me internet would be easier, i spend a lot of time on the computer than reading, but either way both paper and online work the same for me. but i know i will use the internet first, its obviously faster !

    Q: what have you learned that has helped prepare you to be a college student?

    A: what i have learned that has prepared me to be a college student is taking my work seriously. for example our research paper and senior project, those two things helped me prepare for college and helped me prepare for the real world out there. i have also learned to turn in my work on time not whenever i want to, for me turning in my work on time is serious because it shows me as a student and a teacher that i am very organized !
    i know that in college there is no such thing as "late papers" you either turn it in or not ! so i now know that when it comes to college homework we have to do it if we want a bright future !!

    ---Joselyn De Leon(:

  23. kendall cavanaughJune 1, 2010 at 9:42 AM

    I would say that my studying skills are medium to high because I have never really had to study in high school. However I think that studying wont be a problem for me because I am smart and I can figure how to so it properly. my reading and researching skills are much better than my studying skills. I am a very fast reader and I have done very well on research projects. I have always loved reading and can read and comprehend things very fast even if the topic of the book is very hard. i like researching things because you learn so many new things when you research stuff.
    I feel that as a student I dont have very many weaknesses and I feel that I have always been a good student.Like I said I am good researcher and reader and I feel that those skills will bring me a long way in my college career. My only weakness would probably be my fondness of talking to my classmates. That is one thing that has gotten me in trouble in the past.
    I feel that I am pretty close to being fully prepared to take on college level reading and researching. i have always been an advanced reader so the books shouldnt be that much of a problem for me. Doing the research paper this year for my senior project has helped prepare me and train me for writing college level research papers.The format that we had to write the papers in and do all of the citing of the resources helped prepare me for how it will be in college.
    I think that finding and using information this day in age is a lot easier because of all of the different ways to obtain it. There are books, magazines, newspapers, and all kind of things on the internet to get information from. The only problem will all of the different types of resources is that there can be all different types of false information. I think that all of the information that I learned in class and in the library has helped me choose and filter out all of the false information out there.
    There are so many things that I have learned this year to help me out in college. most of the things that I learned were in my English class. Most of the really important things that i learned about were learned while doing my senior project and writing my research paper. I never thought that i would be able to write a ten page paper on the topic of " the effects that the written word has on society". when I first started it, it seemed impossible. But in the end I had a very good result and I am very proud of how everything came out. I think that everything thing that I learned this year will help me in the future.

  24. From a 1 to a 10 my studying skills are a 6, my reading skills are at an 8, and my research skills are at a 9. I'm not really the study person. I will only study when its a big test that is going to effect my grade a lot. Maybe when I go to college it is going to be different and I will study a lot more because the teachers will be stricter, the classes will be harder, and of course because I am paying a lot of money to be there so I do not want to fail any classes.
    My strength as a student is that I take my work seriously and I do not like to slack off. I always try to do my best in all my classes and receive those A's. My weakness as a student is that I tend to procrastinate and that is not going to help me at all in college. My other weakness is sometimes I do not know how to manage my time and I end up stressing out about finishing my work.
    I feel prepared to do college level reading and research. I have always been a well reader and I love reading when it comes to a book that is interesting to me and its something I want to read about. Researching can be boring if it is not something I am interested in learning about but I have to start enjoying research no matter what topic it is because college teachers are going to give you topics that may not be the most interesting thing in the world.
    I think I can find information on line pretty well. Whenever I do a research paper it is always easy for me to find the right information on line and research does not seem hard to me.
    What I have learned that has helped prepare me to be a college student is different links to go to for information other than Google. This has helped me to better my research and get more information. I have also learned how to write better essays and research papers thanks to Ms. Hauswald. She helped me understand what exactly needs to be in your paper in order to make it perfect and the way she taught it made it easier to understand and know what a paper should really look like. College is going to be hard but I feel prepared and ready to start making my future.

    Charol Chavez

  25. My studying skills have gotten much better and I learned more studying tips my senior year than any other year in high school. My reading skills have always been my favorite because I can read any book I set my mind to. I HATE reading books that are assigned to me, but I guess I just have to get used to that. My research skills have gotten so much better because now I know about a bunch of resources I never knew anything about.
    My strengths as a student, reader, and researcher are that I am more organized, I know how to get myself to not procrastinate, and I can read high level books. My weaknesses are that I dont really know how to prioritize and that I get really unmotivated very quickly.
    I feel very ready to do college-level reading and college-level research because I have been in college-level classes since freshman year and I kind of know what to expect now.
    I feel like I can find, use, and evaluate information online and on paper very well because of how much I learned doing my research paper this year.
    Everything I learned senior year with my senior project and research paper has helped me prepare for college.

  26. Sophia van Ommeren-AkelmanJune 1, 2010 at 9:45 AM

    1. I have very good study habits. I am not a procrastinator for the most part and I enjoy learning. I love to read and try new things. I take book recommendations to heart and I actually try many of them. I love to read and I have had so much fun checking out books, buying them or even reading them on line. I enjoy doing new things and trying new things. I like to research things, especially if it expands my current knowledge on a subject. I like knowing about new things in the news and also in studies. I like being educated; it makes me feel very powerful. I have fun with research. I love doing it for projects, since then I can educate others. In my future, I know I have a lot to learn. That means new books and many new opportunities. I want to make change, not watch it happen!
    2. I am very strong when it comes to subjects in school I love. Math and Science have always been my strong points and I have always been advanced in those subjects. In English and History, I have always had a weakness. I don’t enjoy them as much, so I don’t really study for them. I enjoy reading as far as English goes though. I enjoy reading about new studies in Math and Science. I like reading about new things in the technological world. History I have never enjoyed reading, studying, or pursuing. I have no interest in including it in my future. English will be included of course, since I have to be reading all the time and I have to be able to write and have fun with my future. My strength is that I am really focused and I try my personal best in everything I do. My weakness, unfortunately, is that I can be very lazy a lot.
    3. I am very ready! I have been ready for a long time. Reading and research are going to be fine for me, and I know this for sure. The only thing I am worried about is my writing. My boyfriend is one of the best writers ever, yet he is getting really harsh criticism from the readers. I on the other hand am not even close to being as strong, and I am now worried! Reading is a strong point and a fun thing for me to do a lot of the time. It will be fun to see what I will be reading in college and what I will have to research in order to make my next four years successful! I am so excited! I will be very successful since I am a very organized and thorough person. I love to expand on ideas and find new things that people may not know or realize. I know I will be happy and very successful!
    4. I have been taught very well my last four years here. I have learned how to successfully find items to use in papers with key words or other important words. I can site sources using MLA very well now, and I know how to use Owl as well as do it on my own. I can find sources very well, since I know how to go out of Google and Bing and to look in other places. I know to use encyclopedias and other sources more than the internet. I can tell a real site from a fake one pretty well, I just need to practice a little bit more. I can write sources on paper and I can make sure things are very organized. I am very excited to show what I have learned to my future professors. I can write very good essays once I sit down and I organize my thoughts and take the time necessary to write a perfect essay that I am proud of.
    5. I have learned many things about myself over the past four years. I have learned the importance of focusing and organization. I have learned accountability and responsibility. I have learned what it means to have respect for others. I learned a great lesson about procrastination! NOT TO DO IT! My Senior Project was really my big learning point. It gave me the tools and the many habits to utilize over the next four years. I learned that I am capable of handling stress just fine, and that I am able to study when I truly need to. I can work very hard for what I want. I have learned that you can’t always do things alone. You may have to ask for help when you truly need it. It is okay to ask questions. Someone else may have the exact same question you have, and they might be too scared to ask as well.

  27. *I hate studying, i always procrastionate, but i dont mean to! hopefully ill get better at it as i get into the JC. Ill need it. I also don't like doing research papers..i hate doing the little (..) and say who its by and the little works cited page..
    *My strength as a student would definately be getting things turned in on time, and being on time for class. I'm not tardy that much which is gooood. My weakness would be keeping up with the lame books and the chapters and stuff. If i dont like the book, im barely gonna read it.
    *I guess im as ready as Ill ever be for the college level reading and research. Im sure I can do it, it will just be difficult for awhile and i can't procrastionate this time!
    *If I don't know where something is, or don't know how to do an assignment, im pretty good at finding things out. I don't have a problem asking people or teachers on info for a class assignment.
    *I think the most thing that i've gotten the most out of this year, would be doing speeches for sure. I have always hated doing speeches but I think because of mrs. h's class and of course the senior project. Hopefully there wont be any speeches in the jc though :) (Sorry, i had to redo this assignment like 3 times because it didn't go through!)

    Christine G.

  28. If i had to rate my studying i think its satisfactory, reading im great at, and researching im at a good level as well. I think my weakness as a student has to be just slacking and putting things to the side i know if i set my mind to something i will do really great i just, set things to the side thinking i could do it later. i think to get ready to be in a college reading level over summer im going to read more books and as for researching goes just prep up for that as well. I think i can find, use, and evaluate things online well. Senior year has definitely made me more prepared for college life, i think i am more mature and have learned that slacking wont get me anywhere and getting things done on time is important. With all the homework assignments that were given to me this year i have learned to be thankful because in college it will get tougher.

  29. I know that I'm ready for college, especially since I'll be going to a community college first for two years and doping general ed, which is a lot like what I've been doing in high school. I have been doing a good job keeping my grades up for the last 3 years and at first it was pretty hard but then it just came easier the more I tried. I am really great at researching things because all you have to do is find the information and put it all together, which I kinda like doing. Studying is a weakness for me because I get so lazy and I don't really think it's that important sometimes but when I talk to my college friends they're always saying how they have to study a ton. I am really dreading that part because I hate studying and I have a feeling it's going to take up all of my time. I have really good organization and I participate in all my classes a lot so that will be fun and easy for me. I'm a bit intimitaded by college level reading and researching but I know i can do it and I know that I'm totally ready for it. :) Thanks to all the times that Ms. Koval helped us out with online research and helped show us how to find good sources, I know tons of cool tips and hints about research and I'm definitely ready for that. Overall, I think I am going to be great in college, I am totally ready and really excited! I CANT BELIEVE ITS ALREADY HERE!!!!!

  30. I definitely ready for college I have been waiting all of my life to start this carrer and I cannot wait! Learning how to do beauty techniques comes very easy to me, and the cirriculum in this school seems as if it will be fun. So, it will be a learning experience that I want to do. Starting in this carrer is very exciting and I feel like I am as ready as ever!
    My only troubles seem like they would be leaning the anatomy and all of the chemicals to combine.
    My day will start off at 8am. For the first five hours I will be doing book work and stuff like that then I will be working on hands on stuff for the next 5 hours considering it is a 10 hour day I am happy I'm ending with hands on stuff so I won't get bored.

  31. I study good and do all my research. I like how I'm able to study minimal and still get good grades. I will have to spend a little more time study and researching in college but i think i will be fine. i feel very prepared and disciplined to go to college. Highschool is weak sauce.

  32. I think that thnxs to my obessive reading this year im ready to writte and read college level work. Math is the one thing that could totally screw me up i just suck wish me luck on that. This year was great about learing how to do research i feel that im prepared to wirtte all the research papers that will be assigned to me in college. I will probally have to carry around a dictonary so i dont misspell beacuses while i might have gotten away with it in high school i dont think i will in college.

  33. Outstanding
    Strength is quickness, weakness is not reading enough

  34. Throughout my senior year especially, I have learned a lot of important life skills that are necessary to get through college life. The most important would have to be organization and not to procrastinate. I learned to always carry a binder and not have my friends turn in my homework for me because they might ACCIDENTIALLY FORGET causing my grade to plummet. What I am good at is reading and writing. I do enjoy reading a lot; I am just picky about what I read. I think I am ready for college level curriculum, (I hope I spelled that right) and I am exited to see what the future brings involving expanding my knowledge. I am a little nervous though. I really hope that I will self motivate myself in the future after the JC, and go to a four year university like my parents and I hope I do. Ultimately, there is still more for me to learn out there and I think when in college I will take learning a little more seriously. Yay!

  35. I think my studying, reading, and research skills are pretty good. I am a fairly fast reader and I am good at finding things in books and online for research. I can ususally study effectively if I put my mind to it.

    I am good at writing and english, and I am not so good at math. I only really want to read if it is about something that interests me.

    I feel very ready to do college level reading and research. I am in English 1A at the JC.

    I can evaluate and research very well online and on paper. I am good at English all around.

    I have learned to do things on my own and be a self-starter. I have also learned not to procrastinate and to actually spend time studying for tests or quizzes.

  36. *I feel I am a strong reader and have very good research skills, although I am not much of a studier. I seldom if ever studied for anything while in high school, and I do not believe that will change as I continue on into college.
    *As a student I am a very good listener and tend to understand instructions upon the first time of explination.Although I am very easily bored and often find myself falling asleep in many of my classes. As a reader my only weakness would be in my inability to adapt to and enjoy non fiction reading, which may become troublesome later on in my educational career. Thanks to my many wonderful teachers of casa I feel I have become a very capable researcher.
    *I feel I am very ready and well prepared to succeed in college.
    *Very well I have learned alot of useful information during my time at Casa that has left me well prepared.
    *I learned to be a quick and efficient reader as well as I have become more open to a variety of reading. I have grown as a speaker and feel that I can now comfortably speak in front of or to peaple.

  37. * describe and rate your studying, reading, and research skills.
    * what are your strengths and weaknesses as a student, a reader, a researcher?
    * how do ready do you feel to do college-level reading and college-level research?
    * how well do you think you can find, use, and evaluate information online and on paper?
    * what have you learned that has helped prepare you to be a college student?

    -I rate myself at outstanding because I'm an overall amazing student.
    -My strengths are Im good at all of that when im determined to do it, my weaknesses are I dont like to do it so I may take alot of time to do stuff.
    -I dont not feel like I'm ready for college level work.
    -I can use online information for a paper very well and efficiently.
    -Research paper, and constant essays.

  38. Max B.

    I am pretty good with my studying, when i actually get down to it. i find myself to be often pretty lazy, and i have a tough time studying. As for researching and reading go, i hate them both, unless its something that actually interests me. But i try when i have to... sometimes.
    I think i am pretty smart because i have a 3.5 and i don't try at all, which is my only weakness. i feel like there isn't any point in trying any harder, because if i did then my social life would suffer, and i would only see a small increase in my GPA.
    I feel like i will be ready when the time comes, but this question seems irrelevant, as i cant asses that because i am not in college and have no idea what my teachers will expect of me in terms of research writing, and reading.
    I can easily re word things that i see and read, and i have a knack for pulling a deeper meaning out of even the smallest and simplest of comments.
    I know that i cant procrastinate, because although i am the king of last minute, i don't want to have to stress anymore, so i have learned that i cant procrastinate in college. because after all its not a big deal if i screw up in high school, but if i screw up in college i'm out a lot of money.

  39. * Well studying isn't very fun but i have improved my skills through the years.
    * I don't like reading so yeah. I guess I should read more to expand my vocabulary.
    * I feel alright i think i'll be ok.
    *I think i need to work on those skills because researching papers is boring but i feel the more i do it the better i will get and the more i will fine ways to make it easier.
    * I have learned many skills that will help me in college. I have learned great skills like being on time, turning in my work, and communication.

  40. * describe and rate your studying, reading, and research skills.

    My reaserch skills are good i love reaserching new stuff. my stuying skills are not so good and my reasing skills are pretty good.

    * what are your strengths and weaknesses as a student, a reader, a researcher?

    weaknesses for being a student is being a procrastinator my stenghts for being a reader is the im a good reader weaknesses is that at times i cant really pay attetion and i forget what i just read. Im a really good reasearcher and i love researching.

    * how do ready do you feel to do college-level reading and college-level research?

    I think i will do well in college level reading and college level reserching. im gooooooddd.

    * how well do you think you can find, use, and evaluate information online and on paper?

    well since we have been using computers as our major source i think im pretty good at finding what i need online.

  41. I don't really study unless it's for a big test that will affect my grade significantly. I consider myself a good reader, but I have to read something that interest's me. My research skills have gotten better, but I get frustrated if i can't find something fast.

    My strength in all the topics are that If I'm intrested in what I'm reading or researching I don't get bored and I can keep going for a long time. My weakness is that I don't push myself to do even better.

    I feel prepared for college level reading. the research is a little intimidating but I know I'll get through it.

    I can do this all pretty well both online and on paper.

    well I think everything i've learned has prepared me for college. I will be using all the skills I have learned all these years.

  42. I am attending the SRJC next year. I am really good at reading, because I’ve always read a lot in my spare time, which built up my reading skills. I am also good at researching now, thanks to my Senior Project paper and several other papers I’ve had to write throughout high school. I am good at studying, as long as I concentrate and don’t let myself get distracted.
    My strengths as a student are that I’m not afraid to ask for help, I’m a strong reader, and I’m a good researcher. My main weakness as a student is my procrastination. I can be a total slacker at times by waiting until the very last minute to do an assignment, which can sometimes lead to me completely forget about the assignment.
    I feel like I am ready to do college-level reading and research. I know I have the skills to complete these tasks, however, I know I will have to get my act together in order to turn my assignments in on time. I will have to find a balance between being with friends and doing homework, which I know I am well capable of doing.
    I know I can find, use, and evaluate information online and on paper after completing my Senior Project paper. I always thought I was a bad researcher, but the sources we were given and shown how to use to create our papers were really helpful to me in learning how to research effectively.
    Throughout high school, I’ve learned a lot to help me prepare to be a college student. However, the main theme was that procrastination makes me slack on my assignments. In order to be a successful college student, I will need to reign in my craving to procrastinate all the time!

  43. I am pretty good when it comes to researching things and reading, but my studying skils aren't the greatest. I rarely study at all and I know I need to change that for college. I really don't have too many weaknesses as a student. I usually get my stuff done on time and try hard.
    I am a little nervous about college level reading because I know they read at a faster pace and they dont give you a reading scheduale like you get in high school, and the schedules help me a lot.
    I think I can find and use a lot of the information i find online.

  44. * describe and rate your studying, reading, and research skills.

    my studying skills are pretty good i think. everytime i go home from school i do my homework first thing just to make sure i get it done and i know it inside and out. my reading skills are not the best. i can read fine it is just slow and i have a hard time comprehending everything. my research skills are not bad. i just have a hard time researching the things i wanna reasearch. i researched cars to buy before i bought one and now i research the things i can do to it. i have a hard time focusing on the things that are nessasary to research, but i can get it done if there is a deadline date.

    * what are your strengths and weaknesses as a student, a reader, a researcher?

    my strenghts as a student is that i have a brain and that i use it. i am pretty sure i am getting a 4.0 semester and thats always somethig to be proud of. my weakness is that since i am a senior i have learned the habbit to slack, majorly. a reader, i dont have many strengths, it is hard for me to read a book, my weakness is that i circum easily to the things i like doing vs reading. but this year i have been good and i read all the books we had to read for class.

    * how do ready do you feel to do college-level reading and college-level research?

    i feel like i could get by with it. i wouldnt be the strongest, but i could definatly do it semi well. i would want to do it though because i need to get it done to get to where i wanna go.

    * how well do you think you can find, use, and evaluate information online and on paper?

    i think i can do alright, it might take a while and i will get angry and possibly break a few things, this has been known to happen with me, so i would need a lot of help.

    * what have you learned that has helped prepare you to be a college student?

    i have learned not to procrastinate, and this is going to help because the work load expands and the sooner i start the longer i have to do it.

  45. My studying skills have gotten so much better this year, before i never really liked studying or just didn't care, but this year i got a lot better at studying. This year is the first year that i actually enjoed reading. My reading skills improved so much this year.

    My strength as a student is writting essays I an write them really fast. I also think they are really fun and easy. My weekness as student is I procrastinate a lot and i get stresed super easy.

    I don't think i'm ready for college yet, i'm not as excited as I should be. I'll be excited once college actually starts.

    when i don't know how to do something i usually get help. I'm also pretty good at figuring it out myself. I never really give i keep trying my hardest.

    I've gotten so much out of this year i am really proud of myself. Before this year i never liked speeking in front of people and now i am a lot better at it now. I also learned how to right research papers.

  46. My studying skills have become a lot better in the past two year of high school. I don't think I am ready for college studying yet but I think once I get used to the work load it will get easier. I am a pretty good reader I think I have done better with reading this year then any of my past three years of high school. I get really into books that interest me. The research paper really helped me with my research skills, but i still feel i can improve.

    My strengths as a student are reading and essays. I have improved the most on my essay's this year and I have been able to focus on my reading a lot more this year, mainly because I enjoyed the books this year. My weaknesses are time- management andI need to work on meeting deadlines for papers so I can get ready for college. I think although I had bad points dealing with time management, I still have become a better student, reader, and researcher during my senior year.

    I am definitely not as ready as I wanted to be for college level work. I will still do my best to get good grades next year. I hope that I can focus most of my time on school next year so I can get a good job after college. I think doing college level research will be a lot harder then the research for my senior project paper. I hope that I can take my skills I have learned through the research paper to help me next year.

    I think that because of my time in the library during high school I have learned a lot more information about finding information online. I think I have good computer skills and I now know how to use online resources a lot better then I used to. On paper I can also evaluate work because of the time that we practiced reviewing eachother's essays in English this year.

    I have learned that dead lines are very important and need to be taken seriously because late work will not be accepted in college. I have learned that keeping track of major assignments and due dates is a big part of school in general. I have also learned that studying a little bit each night will help improve your knowlege for future tests and quizes and craming is a bad stratagey.
