Tuesday, June 1, 2010

what's next?

this week, rain or shine, casa's seniors, the class of 2010, will walk the field and receive their diplomas. (hoo-rah!)

having seen them through senior projects, research papers, and presentations -- not to mention numerous other assignments -- the big house library is curious to know what's next for these happy grads.

so, today, since ms. hauswald needed a sub, you'll be joining me in the library to blog about where you're going and what you'll be doing. let me guess, you can't wait, right? i thought so! :)

for some of you that means the military, for many of you that means work, but for most of you, that means college...

add a comment to this post about what you'll be doing after you graduate and where. include a url (click on comments for an example). include your name (otherwise we can't grade your participation). and keep it kid-friendly, please, thanks! :)


  1. when i graduated from high school, i went to santa monica college, where i attended their scholar's program. i lived at home and worked at blockbuster video. :)


  2. Next fall, I will be attending Dominican University and study as a nursing major.


    Emily McCarthy

  3. kendall cavanaughJune 1, 2010 at 9:03 AM

    After I graduate I am going to go to Santa Rosa Jr. College to do my general education. Then I will transfer to Sonoma State to get my bachelors. Finally I would like to go to Dominican University to get my masters. This whole time I will be living at home to save money.

  4. After I graduate I am going to go to Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. My major is English.


  5. said....

    Going to Sonoma State University to get my degree in criminal justice, while living at home.


  6. Carlos Molina said...I will be attending the Santa Rosa Junior College and then try and transfer to a four year university.


  7. Santa Rosa Junior College
    And I will continue to work at Cattlemens.

    Jordan Schlau

  8. when i graduate high school, I'm going to attend the SRJC. I plan on living at home and working at Hansel Toyota as a detailer.

    -Daniel Andersen


  9. Sophia van Ommeren-AkelmanJune 1, 2010 at 9:04 AM

    After I graduate, I will be going to Cal Poly San Luis Obispo! I hope to get a job this summer working for CVS, and I would be interested in transferring to CVS in San Luis Obispo. I will be living in the dorms there with hopefully one roommate! I will be majoring in Agricultural Business with a minor in Viticulture.


    Wish me luck! :]

  10. When i graduate high school, I will be attending Santa Rosa Junior College. I will still live with my parents. I plan on attempting to get a job over the summer


    Michael Brill

  11. When i graduate from high school, i am going to go to Santa Rosa Junior College and attend medical field programs to become a pediatric nurse. I will be a full time student at the JC.


    -Joselyn De Leon(:

  12. When I graduate from high school, I am going to work with my mom in Marin. Since I will be working in Marin I am planning to attend the College of Marin.


    Charol Chavez

  13. Brayan Araiza

    I will be going to the JC playing football for them study criminology.


  14. I am going to go to the SRJC in Santa Rosa. I plan on majoring in criminology or criminal justice. I hope that the JC sets my future and jumps starts my career. I was also scouted for baseball so i plan on contributing to the team next year. -Charlie Hegarty

  15. Im going to the SRJC and go to work
    Stephen Centeno


  16. Isavel Mendoza

    After,I graduate from Casa Grande im going to attend the SRJC. I want to become an OB Nurse. I applied at chase a week ago. I would like to work at a bank, so I hope I get a job there.


  17. Jacob Toepfer
    i will be going to the SRJC studying as an automotive technician i will also be studying as a engineer/draftsmen. after the JC i will be furthering my study's in what i find as a better job in these two careers. at the moment and for as long as i can until i find a better job i will be working for white industries


  18. Kaitlyn PieracciniJune 1, 2010 at 9:06 AM

    When I graduate I will be attending Chico State as a nursing major.


    -Kaitlyn Pieraccini

  19. After i graduate high school i am going to go to http://www.santarosa.edu/ for a year. i will not be taking a full load so i can work part time at Velascos Mexcian restaurant. after the year at the JC i want to go to beauty school in Napa to become a esthetician.

    -Melissa Hession

  20. When I graduate high school, I'm planning on attending Laney College in Oakland, and study cosmetology. Also planning on getting a job :)


  21. Andrew Cardona said...

    going to DVC to play baseball and then transfer to a 4 year school

  22. when i graduate from high school i am going to Chico and getting faded every day. There will be no more fade on Friday....there will be a fade on every day.

  23. Alejandra ValenciaJune 1, 2010 at 9:07 AM

    Alejandra Valencia

    I'm going to the jc for 3 years, then tranfering to a 4 year state university. hopefully long beach. i want to be a physical therapist. I'll be living at home until i have a steady job and can fend for myself. I dont have a job but have applied for some.


  24. Next month I will be enlisting in the navy. I plan on leaving for boot camp in November and will be there for 4 years.


    Drew Perkins

  25. Victoria A.~

    I'm planning on graduating then getting into work while being a part time student. Living at home is a thing I dread so I plan on moving out soon, as of schooling I am applied at the Santa Rosa Junior college till i hopefully transfer to SAC state. They have a great physical therapy department, and that is a profession I would like to go into.


  26. Isavel Mendoza...said

    After,I graduate from Casa Grande im going to attend the SRJC. I want to become an OB Nurse. I applied at chase a week ago. I would like to work at a bank, so I hope I get a job there.


  27. I am going to go to the Santa Rosa Junior College to study Biology and Microbiology. I am taking 10 credits during the fall semester.


    Spencer Leap

  28. Im goin to the JC


    kevin werckmann


  29. Nicolette RobbinsJune 1, 2010 at 9:09 AM

    After I graduate I am going to Sky Hill Institute for Massage Therapy in downtown Petaluma. I will be living at home and will need to find a job to help pay for the very expensive five month program. After, I'm sure I'll end up at the JC.


  30. after college i plan on going to Santa Rosa Junior College for a year. i don't plan on taking a full load...only a few classes so that i can get some background. during this time i will be working part time at Velasco's so that i can make money for beauty school which i will plan on going to in the next 2 years.

  31. After high school i plan on going to the SRJC for a few years and take business classes. Later on, i want to go to beauty college and get my cosmetology license in napa or santa rosa, i can't decide..During the JC i will still be working at Powellss sweet shoppe and Moyos..


    Christine G.

  32. After high school i plan on going to the SRJC for a few years and then possibly transferring to FiDm. Or my other option is to go study and learn all about being a makeup-artist, which is something i enjoy.

  33. After high school i am going to the SRJC for atleast a year and planning on going to SBCC for another year, at the SRJC I want to take real estate classes

  34. I'm going to Napa Valley college and living in Vallejo.

  35. When I graduate highschool, so far I will be attending SRJC in the fall, and hopefully get a job. After two years, I will transfer to a college that I havent decided yet.


  36. Hello,
    After I graduate I am moving down to Santa Monica in LA. I'm working part time for DJ Pink and also attending Santa Monica College. I want to go there for two years and then hopefully transfer to CSULB. I am stuck between two different majors right now so I am going to figure that out once I get down there. :)


  37. After highschool I am going to Humboldt State. I am going to major in Forestry and Fire Science. After that I am going to move up north to the mountains, probably Plumas County and work for the forest service.


  38. ryan zeeb,
    im working monday after graduation for the rest of my life.
    larsons feed is the start

    i would like to move out in the middle of nowhere.

  39. After I graduate I have decided to go to a beauty school in San Fransisco to become a esthetician. It is the Cinta Aveda Institute. I am very excited to get started with it, I am starting August 9th 2010. I will hopefully be ending January 2011. Then work at a salon for a while and hopefully open my own, it is my goal.

  40. Max B. said...

    After high school I am attending San Francisco State University, where I have already been accepted, and plan to be a part of their Taekwondo team. I will get my masters in child psychology, and plan to work throughout the summer and school years. I also plan to party when I go to college.


  41. Well, I am going to the UCJC and then transferring to a 4 year college. I will also be working while I go to school.

  42. After I graduate I will be going to the Santa Rosa JC and majoring in Agriculture or Animal Science. I will be working on the Cunningham Dairy.


    Lindsey Wachsman

  43. I'm going to Napa Valley college and living in Vallejo.


  44. After high school, I plan on attending the Santa Rosa Junior College for two years, then transfering to another school (preferably in southern California) where I can study international relations. I hope to continute traveling to the Dominican Republic for my two summers at the SRJC through Building Homes Building Hopes. After attending whatever college I choose after the SRJC, I plan to join the Peace Corps, because helping others is what I love to do.


  45. After high school we are going to University of San Diego and San Diego!!!!!!!!!!!! were going to be besties. We don't know what we are going to do. I need to find a job. I am going to work at starbucks.


  46. After high school, i will be working full time for Dorsett Lawncare. then in the fall i will attend the Santa Rosa Junior College and major in Administrative Justice. i will be living at home for now as i try to pay my truck off.


  47. Kyle Furey Wolfgang SpongbergJune 1, 2010 at 11:01 AM

    After high school i plan to go to san diego and study at Grossmont community college. I will be living in the dorms of san diego state university. I will need to find a job down there.


    Kyle Spongberg

  48. After High School I plan on taking a year off of school and I'm going to work during that time. After that I want to go to a cosmetology school either in Napa or Santa Rosa I'm undecided.

  49. After Casa I will attend SRJC and do the nursing program. I will also be working at Puma in the Petaluma Outlets. Hopefully, over summer I will find a better job. I also hope to move out within the next year.


  50. After High School Im going to the SRJC. I will than plan to transfer to a CSU my Junior year. I want to major in buisness and adminisrtation.

    Laura Arellano

  51. After high school i plan on attending the SRJC then transfering to a school in southern California, i would also like to study a semester abraud.
    Vanessa Ramirez

  52. After high school i am going to the SRJC for atleast a year and planning on going to SBCC for another year, at the SRJC I want to take real estate classes

  53. After High School I am attending Santa Rosa Junior College as a full time student. I will be studying child development and start taking classes to get into the nursing program.

  54. After graduation I am going to go to the Santa Rosa Junior College to complete my general education. Once I have completed my General Education I will the transfer to a four year university where I spend a semester at sea and perhaps some time studying over seas in Europe. After I have completed my education and have accomplished my many goals I hope to settle down and become an Author and teacher.

  55. After high school I'm going to SRJC for two years for Gen Ed then transfering to Oregon. I'm going to continue working for my uncle for the next two years.

  56. Jason H
    Im going to take a year off school cause im tired of it. im hopeing that i will go back with a clean and fresh ready to study brain. :]
    during this year i hope to find a job and travel to different places in to world like Spain, africa, brazil, argentina, puerto rico and many other places. i dont know if ill be able to acomplish visiting all of the countries but i hope that i can at least travel to one of them. after a year i want to go to the jc for a couple of years then transfer to a uc or scu to study for architecture.

  57. After highschool I am going to Sonoma State University. There I will major in Kinesiology. I plan on working this summer at Pizzicato staying at home and perfecting my kegstand. Im also going to join the lacrosse team.

  58. After high school was planning to attend San Diego state. but decided to go to the cummunity collage in san diego and after i finish general ed i will be attending san diego state.

  59. Tyler-
    After high school I plan on working or maybe going to school. I would also like to do a lot of traveling and exploring.

  60. After high school i'm planning on going to the SRJC and get my AA degree in Fashion Desgine After that im hoping on trasfering to sonoma state and studying psychology and creative writting.

  61. I am going to atend the SRJC and contiue to work at Coldstone Creamery.

  62. Tyler Mckinley-
    After high school I plan on working or maybe going to school. I would also like to do a lot of traveling and exploring.
